computer supportComputer Support

What are the benefits of a new remote support software?

Simplicity for remote user

Remote users don’t have to install anything on their PC. They don’t have to know an IP address, open ports on a corporate firewall, and configure the router. Acey Systems takes all compliances on its own, granting the end user a maximal ease of remote support software usage. Helpdesk specialists just send the link to remote customers or visit this website to download and run.

Time savings

There is no need to be in a long correspondence with a remote user or to phone and explain how to set up the remote support software on the PC.


No software is installed. There is a random password generator that creates a new password every session, keeping the remote control session password unique and secured.


The described solution is provided for FREE. You may not be a registered user to try it. You don’t have even to pay for it.

With a new remote support software both sides save time – one of the biggest treasures of nowadays. Acey Systems gives you that chance.

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